Welcome to the Quantum Matter Group!.
We are performing experiments to explore many body quantum physics with ultracold atoms and molecules. We are located at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) hosted by the National University of Singapore.
We have an open postdoc position.
Ground state polar molecules
We report the creation of ultracold ground state 6Li40K polar molecules with high efficiency. Starting from weakly-bound molecules state, stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) is adopted to coherently transfer the molecules to their singlet ro-vibrational ground state |X1S+,v=0,J=0>. By employing a singlet STIRAP pathway and low-phase-noise narrow-linewidth lasers, we observed a one-way transfer efficiency of 96(4)%. Held in an optical dipole trap, the lifetime of the ground-state molecules is measured to be 5.0(3) ms. The large permanent dipole moment of LiK is confirmed by applying a DC electric field on the molecules and performing Stark shift spectroscopy of the ground state. With recent advances in the quantum control of collisions, our work paves the way for exploring quantum many-body physics with strongly-interacting 6Li40K molecules.
Efficient Creation of Ultracold Ground State 6Li 40KPolar Molecules, C. He, X. Nie, V. Avalos, S. Botsi, S. Kumar, A. Yang, and K. Dieckmann, Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 243401 (2024), DOI.
FPGA based servo
We present the comparison of a field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) based digital servo module with an analog counterpart for the purpose of laser frequency stabilization to a high-finesse optical cavity. The transfer functions of both the digital and analog modules for proportional-integral-derivative control are measured. For the lasers stabilized to the cavity, we measure the singe-sideband power spectral density of fast phase noise by means of an optical beat with filtered light transmitted through the cavity. The comparison between the digital and analog modules is performed for two low-phase-noise diode lasers at 1120 and 665 nm wavelengths. The performance of the digital servo module compares well to the analog one for the lowest attained levels of 30 mrad for the integrated phase noise and 10-3 for the relative noise power. The laser linewidth is determined to be in the sub-kHz regime, only limited by the high-finesse cavity. Our work exploits the versatility of the FPGA-based servo module (STEMlab) when used with open-source software and hardware modifications. We demonstrated that such modules are suitable candidates for remote-controlled low-phase-noise applications in the fields of laser spectroscopy and atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
Field-programmable-gate-array-based digital frequency stabilization of low-phase-noise diode lasers, V. Avalos, X. Nie, A. Yang, C. He, S. Kumar and K. Dieckmann, Review of Scientific Instruments, 94, 063001, (2023), DOI.
Long-Range Spectroscopy
We report on a high-resolution spectroscopic survey of 6Li40K molecules near the 2S+4P dissociation threshold and produce a fully empirical representation for the B1Π potential by connecting available short- and long-range data. The purpose is to identify a suitable intermediate state for a coherent Raman transfer to the absolute ground state, and the creation of a molecular gas with dipolar interactions. Starting from weakly bound ultracold Feshbach molecules, the transition frequencies to twenty-six vibrational states are determined. Our data are combined with long-range measurements [Ridinger et al., EPL, 2011, 96, 33001], and near-dissociation expansions for the spin-orbit coupled potentials are fitted to extract the C6 dispersion coefficients. A suitable vibrational level is identified by resolving its Zeeman structure and by comparing the experimentally attained g-factor to our theoretical prediction. Using mass-scaling of the short-range data for the B1Π [Pashov et al., Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 292, 615-620] and an updated value for its depth, we model the short- and the long-range data simultaneously and produce a Rydberg-Klein-Rees curve covering the entire range.
Empirical LiK excited state potentials: connecting short range and near dissociation expansions, S. Botsi, A. Yang, S. Kumar, S. B. Pal, M. M. Lam, M. Debatin, and K. Dieckmann, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 3933 - 3940, (2022), DOI.
Singlet Pathway to the Ground State of Ultracold Polar Molecules
Starting from weakly bound Feshbach molecules, we demonstrate a two-photon pathway to the dipolar ground state of bi-alkali molecules that involves only singlet-to-singlet optical transitions. This pathway eliminates the search for a suitable intermediate state with sufficient singlet-triplet mixing and the exploration of its hyperfine structure, as is typical for pathways starting from triplet dominated Feshbach molecules. By selecting a Feshbach state with a stretched singlet hyperfine component and controlling the laser polarizations, we assure coupling to only single hyperfine components of the A1Σ+ excited potential and the X1Σ+ rovibrational ground state. In this way an ideal three level system is established, even if the hyperfine structure is not resolved. We demonstrate this pathway with 6Li40K molecules, and discuss its application to other important molecular species.
Singlet Pathway to the Ground State of Ultracold Polar Molecules, A. Yang, S. Botsi, S. Kumar, S. B. Pal, M. M. Lam, I. Cepaite, A. Laugharn, and K. Dieckmann, Phys. Rev Lett., 124, 133203 (2020), DOI.
Automated lab journal
We updated our library to access Microsoft OneNote (Office 365) from LabView for automated lab journal writing. The current solution is based on OAuth 2.0.We share the code on GitHub.
Gray molasses cooling vs narrow-line cooling
We present an efficient scheme to implement a gray optical molasses for sub-Doppler cooling of Li atoms with minimum experimental overhead. To integrate the D1 light for the gray molasses (GM) cooling into the same optical set-up that is used for the D2 light for a standard magneto-optical trap (MOT), we rapidly switch the injection seeding of a slave laser between the D2 and D1 light sources. Switching times as short as 30 microseconds can be achieved, inferred from monitor optical beat signals. The resulting low-intensity molasses cools a sample of 9x108 atoms to about 60 microkelvin. A maximum phase-space density of 1.2x10-5 is observed. On the same set-up, the performance of the GM is compared to that of narrow-line cooling in a UV MOT. Further, we compare the production of a degenerate Fermi gas using both methods. Loading an optical dipole trap from the gray molasses yields a quantum degenerate sample with 3.3x105 atoms, while loading from the denser UV MOT yields 2.4x106 atoms. Where the highest atom numbers are not a priority this implementation of the gray molasses technique yields sufficiently large samples at a comparatively low technical effort.
Comparison of an efficient implementation of gray molasses to narrow-line cooling for the all-optical production of a lithium quantum gas, C. . L. Satteer, S. Tan, and Kai Dieckmann, Phys. Rev. A, 98, 023422, (2018), DOI.
PhD thesis defense
Congratualtions to Mark Lam!
Spectroscopy of Ultracold 6Li40K Molecules, Mark Lam, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, (2017).
Make one laser lock get one for free
We report on a transfer-lock laser frequency stabilization that utilizes a frequency comb (FC) and a radio frequency counter referenced to a GPS frequency standard to compen-sate for the frequency drifts of two lasers, which are locked to a single passive Fabry-Perot resonator (FPR). The method requires only one optical phase lock with the FC and allows transfer locking of lasers at wavelengths beyond the usable range of the FC. To at-tain a large frequency tuning range for the lasers, we implement optical serrodyning. We further demonstrate an efficient scheme to suppress residual amplitude modulation, thereby improving the stability of the Pound-Drever-Hall lock used in this case. The abso-lute frequency stability was found to be better than 2x1013 on timescales up to 300s. Hence, together with the frequency stability on short timescales provided by the FPR, this scheme facilitates coherent Raman spectroscopy as needed for an example for the production of ultracold dipolar heteronuclear molecules.
ICOLS 2015 Proceedings published
The 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (I
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